Deciding which guests get plus ones at weddings can be really confusing. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on who should be allowed to bring a guest. Of course, you’d love to invite everybody, but the more guests you have, the more expensive your wedding will be. Plus, venues have max capacity limits for a reason! So who should get a plus one to your wedding? Let’s review the etiquette for who should receive plus ones at weddings.
Who Gets a Plus One?
Married, Engaged, or Live Together: This is the most obvious for getting plus ones at weddings. If a couple is in a long-term relationship such as being married or living together, they should get a plus one. This shows that you respect their marital or relationship status.
Doesn’t Know Anyone Attending: If you have a guest that doesn’t know anyone at the wedding, they should get a plus one. This will simply make them more comfortable since they’ll have someone they know attending. Plus, it may increase the chance that they attend.
Seriously Dating: This category of who gets plus ones at weddings can go back and forth. We consider seriously dating as a couple who has been dating for 6+ months. In our opinion, if the bride or groom don’t have a relationship with one of their guest’s significant others, especially in this situation, they don’t need to be invited.
Who Does Not Need a Plus One?
Casually Dating: If a couple has been seeing each other for less than 6 months or hasn’t made their relationship status official yet, they don’t need a plus one.
Single and Knows Other People Attending: If a single person knows other people at the wedding, they don’t need a plus one. They’ll feel comfortable attending by themselves since they’ll know people. Plus, it will save you a little money by not having a random stranger at your wedding.
Coworkers: It’s not necessary to offer a plus one to coworkers, especially if you don’t know their partner or if they are attending as part of a work group.
Acquaintances or Distant Relatives: If there are people who you don’t know well, but you still need to invite them to your wedding, there’s no need to offer them a plus one.
So those are the general etiquette rules for who gets plus ones at weddings! At the end of the day, it’s your wedding and these guidelines are just suggestions—you get to decide who to invite and whether or not they get a plus one. Do what makes you most comfortable on your big day! If you’re looking for more wedding advice, check out this post on what to include in your wedding budget or this post on the true cost of a wedding venue.
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